Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

How to market your indie game on reddit like a pro using my proven 5-step template.

How to market your indie game on reddit like a pro using my proven 5-step template.
1. Around one year before release, use something like this: "Hey Reddit, after lurking and reading posts on /r/gamedev, I just learned to code and am working on <MY INDIE GAME>!"
2. On release day, use something like this: "Hey Reddit, I've been working on <MY INDIE GAME> for the past year and now it's finally out!"
3. Around a month after release, you probably won't get the traction that you're looking for (either because of bad marketing, bad product, bad luck, or all three). So, post something like this: "Hey Reddit, <MY INDIE GAME> failed. So here's a whole post talking about what I learned from failing!"
4. Soon after your previous post, if your game gets any kind of traction at all, use something like this: "Hey Reddit, after my last post hit the front page, <MY INDIE GAME> finally went viral! Thanks Reddit!"
5. A few months after that, you might need to use something like this: "Hey Reddit, I spoke too soon. I got too excited and quit my day job, but <MY INDIE GAME> only went viral for one day on /r/gamedev. It didn't translate into any actual sales because I just realized that other game developers aren't actually going to buy my game. Now I'm about to be homeless. Thanks Reddit!"

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